Men’s Ministry
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV
These verses from 2 Timothy guide the Men’s Bible Study, which meets each Wednesday evening from 6:00 to approximately 7:30 at the church located at 1006 West Embargo Street, Rome, NY. We are currently doing a verse-by-verse study of the Book of Ephesians. Sprint through the Bible will resume once Ephesians is completed. Because our desire is to equip men to understand, explain and share the Word of God, our studies encourage the interaction of each man present. The study is open to all men and we look forward to having you join us.
Women’s Ministry ~ S.O.S. Sisters of Strength
Our title is based on Proverbs 31:25. “She is clothed in strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”
Bible Study
Tuesday, Sept. 19 Fall Kick-Off for the Women’s Ministry.
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Appetizers, beverages, music and give-a-ways
All ladies are welcome.
Our next study will be on Joshua. Books available for $9 each
We make it through several studies in a year. Study books will be available as well as viewing the related DVD (if available). Open to the community, every woman is welcome.
Believer’s Baptism
All believers should follow the Lord in a public confession of faith through believer’s baptism.
Sunday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM for teens and adults
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
To this end of making disciples of all nations, we support the following missionaries:
Drama and Puppet Team
This “active” ministry is open to children, teens and adults. Experience is not required, but your dedication is. This team meets on Sunday nights at 6:00 PM. The Team has performed during morning worship, AWANA Club meetings, Backyard Bible Clubs, Rome Nursing Home Facilities and Rome City Parks during the summer. Music, suspense, laughter, costumes, and so much more! Mrs. Banks is the Ministry Leader and she has also written most of the scripts used. If interested, come on out this Sunday evening and speak with Mrs. Banks.
The club is held on Fridays from 6:30 PM to 8:00.
What is Awana?
AWANA is an international, nondenominational, Bible-centered youth organization whose goal is to “reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.” Want to know more about AWANA? Visit their website. Our club is one of 16,000 around the world. An AWANA missionary whose full time job is to work with churches in helping them establish and run a successful AWANA club has trained our staff. The acrostic AWANA comes from the first letters of 2 Timothy 2:15; Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.
Who is AWANA for?
When Do We Meet?
Contact Us!
By Mail: 1006 West Embargo St. Rome, NY 13440
By Phone: (315) 337-4464
By Email:
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